Does anyone know how the torians distribute their starting abilities?
I was playing against them on level bright. I had not found the torians yet and was busy colonizing planets. I colonized a planet near them and discovered them immediatly after. The next turn after discovering the torians and colonizing a new planet the planet had a seccessionary movement.
How can that happen so fast, this was maybe 20 rounds into the game?
What is the best social built to create seccessionary movements on your opponents?
Okay how much money did you have? If you have enough go to the diplomacy screen and rank up the slide for destabilization. For social there are no improvements that make an opponent have a seccessionary movement. They probably had alot more influence than you in that sector. If you the sector influence button by the sector name it shows you how the influence is spread out. Hope this clears things up for you.