Author: planetidiot
Library: Maps
Category: Main
File Size: 2 k
Overall downloads: 2056
Today's downloads: 2056
New stars are being born at both sides of the sector, just as intelligent life begins to spread among them. Habitable planets are everywhere, no PQ is less than 13. Can you survive the planet rush?
StardockPlease dont use this map and try to submit the game. You will not be able to.
Uploaded: 6/20/2004
Updated: 6/20/2004
Author: turgotZ
Library: Maps
Category: Main
File Size: 3 k
Overall downloads: 2064
Today's downloads: 2064
This looks to be the first map submitted. Here is a small galaxy map with race starting points and a small ship bounce for the Terrans.Enjoy
StardockPlease dont use this map and try to submit the game. You will not be able to.
Uploaded: 6/16/2004
Updated: 6/16/2004
Vorlon Dreadnought Overlord Mod |
Author: Coplann
Library: Ships
Category: Main
File Size: 90 k
Overall downloads: 3197
Today's downloads: 3197
This mod was created with Dark Rain's Galciv Graphic Editing Suit. Using it you can replace the current human Overlord class ship with the Vorlon Dreadnought seen in Babylon 5. The art files are included so you can use the toolset to change this .spr1 file to replace any other ship you want.
(Babylon 5 © 1996, 1997 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.)
Uploaded: 6/13/2004
Updated: 6/13/2004
Author: Coplann
Library: Ships
Category: Main
File Size: 73 k
Overall downloads: 3662
Today's downloads: 3662
This mod was created with Dark Rain's Galciv Graphic Editing Suit. Using it you can replace the current human Ranger class ship with the White Star seen often in Babylon 5. The art files are included so you can use the toolset to change this .spr1 file to replace any other ship you want.
(Babylon 5 © 1996, 1997 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.)
Uploaded: 6/13/2004
Updated: 6/13/2004
Sharlin Warcruiser Avatar Mod |
Author: Coplann
Library: Ships
Category: Main
File Size: 56 k
Overall downloads: 2673
Today's downloads: 2673
This mod was created with Dark Rain's Galciv Graphic Editing Suit. Using it you can replace the current Avatar with a Minbari Warcruiser seen often in Babylon 5. The art files are in there also so you can use the toolset to change this .spr1 file to replace any other ship you want. I used the Avatar for easy testing purpose.
Uploaded: 6/7/2004
Updated: 6/7/2004