Galactic Civilization

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 Galactic Civilizations Top Players
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Fleet Captain PoundFool
  11    46918 
Rear Admiral John Guin
  68    46691 
 381  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Commodore HaveOne
  26    46351 
 382  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Croga
  16    46339 
 383  GoneGolders Empire
Commodore Greg Owen
  24    46142 
 384  Aldarian Empire Empire
Fleet Captain Magnum Force
  17    46070 
Commodore mcollin6
  20    46009 
Vice Admiral citahellion
  43    45930 
 387  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commodore Qui-Gon Jinn
  19    45900 
 388  Galactic Guardians Empire
Fleet Captain PhatSter
  14    45880 
Commander flam-flem
Fleet Captain Kazriko
  14    45753 
Commander   Adils
 392  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Brewskin
 393  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander rvnic
 394  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commodore Paulus 07
Commodore Dengineer
  27    45237 
Fleet Captain Suvalkas
  15    45163 
 397  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain Peter Routly
  12    45100 
Commander Marangela
 399  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Vice Admiral infodragon
  43    44721 
 400  Realms Beyond Empire
Fleet Captain Cheng_lian
  13    44409 
Commodore Warty
  28    44307 
Commander Kyriel2
 403  Southern Realm Empire
Commodore Southern One
  23    44117 
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