Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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 Galactic Civilizations Top Players
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 752  Rorand Empire Empire
Commander alvnmguri
Commander Malice1179
Fleet Captain stekelbas
  10    24792 
 755  PanGaea Cooperative Empire
Rear Admiral Kevin the Kitten
  41    24763 
Rear Admiral rhoadarmer
  36    24657 
Commander   Doudon
 758  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain drkarloff
  13    24581 
Fleet Captain Kovelli
  15    24562 
Commander Merasmus
Fleet Captain Samoran
  12    24471 
Commodore Joorsh
  20    24436 
Fleet Captain mindlar
Commander Jason Barreto
Commander   Gyrfalcone
 766  Evil Empire Empire
Rear Admiral Kendis Dai
  37    24296 
 767  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Commodore IceMole
  27    24246 
Commander   dividedmind
 769  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Mojomatrix
 770  European Alliance Empire
Commander Samichlaus
Commander   spacef1sh
Fleet Captain JDCollins1
  16    23916 
 773  Galactic Guardians Empire
Fleet Captain undead bonzi
  18    23835 
Fleet Captain CrusherX7
  11    23785 
Commodore VoyagerGM
  29    23768 
Commander Deep Thinker
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