Galactic Civilization

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 Galactic Civilizations Top Players
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 178  European Alliance Empire
Rear Admiral Oziq
  32    103930 
 179  Chaos Inc. Empire
Commander   Evil Druid
Fleet Captain Lord Fuzzy
  11    103899 
Vice Admiral Law Head
  55    103469 
Commodore gchen49
  20    102069 
Fleet Captain Dew Slug
  10    101441 
 184  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Admiral kasualkid
  55    101165 
Fleet Captain Lanrete
  17    100940 
Commander Grix
Commodore Benny Heimlich
  22    100807 
 188  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Faello
Rear Admiral Captin Barqs
  39    100603 
Admiral angrykernel
  73    100575 
 191  Arnor Empire
Commodore CaptainBizarre
  29    99349 
Fleet Captain DigitalAbacus
  18    99125 
 193  Special Forces Empire
Rear Admiral Raj Whitehall
  36    99066 
Commander Morlicar
Commodore wjkimmel
  22    95965 
 196  The Old Guard Empire
Admiral Baron von EWA
  65    94672 
Commander Cariosus
 198  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Admiral Mauler28
  99    93660 
Fleet Captain Bullbert
  10    93202 
 200  I.B.H. Empire
Commodore cactoblasta
  26    92503 
Vice Admiral Sohkaar
  79    92161 
 202  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain StarGazer99
  18    91514 
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