Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Evil Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 327  Foundation & Empire
Fleet Admiral NewfyScotian
Fleet Captain Mr Bunnikins
Commander Jokk
 330  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Jexal
 331  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Commodore Landrew
Commander   Harri Moisala
Commodore Vorlin Varelse
 334  GammaSquad Empire
Admiral Solitair
Fleet Captain Sergei The Mighty
Commander sliverhides
 337  Arnor Empire
Commodore CaptainBizarre
Lieutenant   DirtBrown
Commander   PeterREXofTWC
 340  The United Benzoians Empire
Rear Admiral Aloak
Commander ThePhantasm
Commander   duBaaj
 343  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain villalji
 344  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Mad Prophet
 345  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander   Mr_Wiseman
Commander Chipacabra
Vice Admiral   Crapnecticut
Commodore Alex MacDougall
Lieutenant   bifmac
 350  Special Forces Empire
Commodore Killa Koala
Commander wolfnman2000
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