Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 127  I.B.H. Empire
Rear Admiral Very Evil the 3rd child
  15    133423 
 128  Chronic Confederation Empire
Rear Admiral Good ilurk
  31    133350 
Commodore Very Evil Mishamcm
  11    133127 
Commodore Very Good Psybadred
  21    129551 
 131  THE EMPIRE OF __KKK__ Empire
Commodore Evil 00KKK00
  25    125891 
Fleet Captain Very Good Gravitycar
  15    125104 
Commodore Good Ozgriff
  13    124924 
Commodore Neutral kent335
  29    124017 
Commodore Good Hounder
  11    123865 
 136  Nefarious Empire
Fleet Captain Very Evil Darkspire
  19    123199 
 137  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Very Good Nightlamp
  18    123004 
Rear Admiral Very Evil TheFrolickingMan
  18    122578 
Fleet Captain Neutral Hermann the Lombard
  16    122483 
Commodore Very Good Cmdr Fucknut
  14    122401 
 141  Special Forces Empire
Fleet Admiral Neutral Jaws the Wayfarer
 142  Pomarje Empire
Commander Very Good Aldebert
Vice Admiral Very Good David Lawson
  22    118919 
Commodore Very Good golfer90
  21    118876 
Rear Admiral Neutral martinsa
  14    118160 
 146  Omraam Fraternity Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Omraam
  10    117130 
Rear Admiral Neutral Captin Barqs
  14    115704 
 148  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commodore Very Good damoose
Fleet Captain Very Good GForce1984
  11    114588 
Vice Admiral Neutral Lord J
  62    113579 
Commander Very Good Lessurl
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