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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Does turning off victory conditions affect the final score?
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by Citizen Admiral Tolwyn - 1/5/2005 12:47:59 AM

If so, how?

I usually find myself wanting to turn off alien tech victory, so I can achieve a military victory with the late game techs. They'res nothing quite like going around the map with a dozen terror stars.

#1  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 1/5/2005 3:16:31 AM

I don't think there isn't any influence. More it helps you to score a military victory when cultural victory is disabled, since the cultural countdown doesn't start

#2  by Citizen Admiral Tolwyn - 1/5/2005 4:50:02 AM

heh, I just usually make sure there is no peace ever to avoid that.

#3  by Citizen Cetane - 1/5/2005 1:43:15 PM

Even at war w/ AI you can get a culture victory. Best to turn of the ones you don't want.

#4  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 1/5/2005 2:30:38 PM

Even at war w/ AI you can get a culture victory.

Actually this isn't true. The cultural countdown stops if your are at war with any major AI.

#5  by Citizen Embird - 1/5/2005 4:43:47 PM

Actually this isn't true. The cultural countdown stops if your are at war with any major AI.

Planets will still culture flip, you just can't end the game that way.If the last enemy planet flips, then it is counted as a military victory.
[Message Edited]

#6  by Citizen Cetane - 1/5/2005 4:45:07 PM

One of the mods I have must have altered my game, cause I have.

#7  by Citizen Embird - 1/5/2005 4:47:38 PM

Where are you Fuels Chief?
Your time zone seems to be the same as mine, unless you work nights?

#8  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/5/2005 9:17:13 PM

Where are you Fuels Chief?Your time zone seems to be the same as mine, unless you work nights?

FC is in VA out by Norfolk, I think. He is in the Navy so is often aboard ship and communicates via satellite and only posts his games when in port.

#9  by Citizen Cetane - 1/8/2005 9:56:51 PM

Where are you Fuels Chief?

I work in Norfolk. I live in Richmond, about halfway between Norfolk and Washington DC. I have some very strange hours on the ship so I can be on just about anytime. I thought when I registered I had to put my time zone in. So every thing I read shpws up GMT -5 on my screen. Maybe that was the Embassy though.

Or the military could have sent me to Australia for a few days....

#10  by Citizen Embird - 1/9/2005 5:12:11 PM

Or the military could have sent me to Australia for a few days....


Makes the sign of the cross.

Only kidding.

What ship are you on?
Have you been to Fremantle?
I may have sailed around you.

#11  by Citizen Cetane - 1/9/2005 6:31:09 PM

USS Iwo-Jima.

Yes I have been to Fremantle, Sydney, Perth, and one other. Last time I was there was in the late 90's. That's about all I can say about it because of the nature of service.

#12  by Citizen Embird - 1/9/2005 6:51:53 PM

Getting to Perth on the Iwo-Jima would have been a good trick.

We know months in advance...normally, which ships are coming, where they are from and where they are going.

The pro girls fly in to meet them, then fly out to the next port of call.

#13  by Citizen delta leader - 4/17/2005 3:35:01 PM

your and the navy and still play video games... awesome. all this stragey playing might help if we ever faught anyone with an actual navy. but wait i'm lost do you play on the ship?

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