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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Starbase upgrade
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by Citizen STEFAN THE GREAT - 3/29/2005 12:50:17 PM

I have a certain... problem. When I upgrade my Starbase to Terror Star, I dont know what to do with it! I mean, I want to know how can I terrorize someone or something with my stupid "Terror Star"? Can anyone help me?

#1  by Citizen ForesterGC - 3/29/2005 1:54:30 PM

When it is upgraded enough you can move it 1 space aturn to where you see fit.

             Posted via Stardock Central
#2  by Citizen FallenPhoenix - 3/29/2005 4:14:36 PM

and destroy star systems... did you not pick up on it being called a "terror star" its a rip of the death star from star wars...

#3  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 3/30/2005 8:55:51 AM

Did you complete the building and payed 5.000 BC? When you just add one or two terror star modules it is still in constuction and thus useless.

When it's finshed it looks like a nice metal ball

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