Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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by Citizen Marcus Vindictus - 3/29/2005 7:02:43 PM

Now I know how the other races can build such speciality items like DIp Translators and a whole fleet of colony ships before I even have Impulse drive researched: I'm looking at a screen (espionage) showing the Altarians at -18228 bc. How can their treasury possibly BE so low?

#1  by Citizen PJ_ - 3/29/2005 10:45:18 PM

They must have gotten themselves into massive debt, either by buying lots of little things untill they couldn't pay their leases/tributes (it could take a while to get that low, though), or by buying one big thing all at once. How much does it cost to build diplomatic translators from scratch?

#2  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 3/31/2005 4:01:41 PM

How can their treasury possibly BE so low?

They have rushuying something that cost lost of money, like Trade Goods (diplo translators are one).

And to prevent to savegame abuse, AI can rushbuy wonder/trad goods or reload.

#3  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 4/1/2005 3:03:25 AM

That's not cheating, that's a stupid AI

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