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Empire Threads are dying becase of server response - Can Startdock Help?
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by Citizen Weyrleader - 3/30/2005 1:23:07 PM

The empires are dying because it take too long to open a thread. Some take longer than others, but all are long and slow. A lot of people have both quit posting and playing because of this anomoly.

Can Stardock please look into what the problem might be and offer some suggestions on what can be done? The community for GalCiv 1 is partially dying because noone is posting in the empire threads.

Or, can we move the empire threads back here to the main forum, which apparently is hosted on a better server?

#1  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 3/31/2005 4:18:54 PM

Or perhaps start a new empire thread for the GC.

BTW, I don't think that the empire forum is on another server.

#2  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 4/2/2005 2:17:21 PM

No guys, the issue is not server related it is the size of the threads being loaded. What need to be done is the Empires need to have their own forum to post in and not a thread. They are all on the same server Weyrleader for sure.

Maybe Stardock could create a new site for just the empires. Using the JoeUser Blog system. Otherwise the best thing to do is host the empires at one or more central websites which will NEVER have these issues.

#3  by Citizen Weyrleader - 4/4/2005 4:30:51 AM

No guys, the issue is not server related it is the size of the threads being loaded. What need to be done is the Empires need to have their own forum to post in and not a thread. They are all on the same server Weyrleader for sure.

All threads take a long time to load in the Empire area, not just the Guardian thread. The Guardian thread did not start slowing down gradually, it started all at once, just like access to the other threads get slow all at once.

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