Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Frakked up scoring
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by Citizen papermuscles - 3/31/2005 12:05:49 AM

ok, i recently registered my alias and all that jazz and have submitted two games. for both i had set the game on 'tough'. but the first one i submitted was reported as an 'anamolous' setting, and the second 'masochistic'! i've added a bunch of mods from the website, as well as adding a few techs and trade goods of my own. However, i did notice something odd about my game. towards the end, the other races (after doing some espionage on their stats) i found had weapons and defense bonuses of 300+ %! not to mention any other bonuses they probably had as well. i guess this probably means im gonna have to reinstall glaciv, but i was wondering if this had happened to anyone else and/or if someone knew wat the hell happened. thx. peace out

#1  by Citizen Skyler56 - 3/31/2005 3:29:45 PM

If the game is too different or unbalanced in Stardocks opinion, you'll get a 0 and an "Anamolous" for the difficulty. For instance, if you create a politcal party that gives bonuses that are too powerful you'll trigger a 0 for the score, even if GalCiv itself doesn't seem to have a problem.

Perhaps one or more of your mods are unbalanced? I've found that it is easier just not bothering with any mods. Parties or mods that give bonuses above 50% or give lots of bonuses (like say, 6 bonuses) would probably be considered unbalanced.

#2  by Veteran Cosmic Fox - 4/2/2005 2:00:01 PM

Contact Pat - Email or Cari Lead programmer Email one of them can help you fix your scores.

Welcome to Star Fleet both of you. Be sure to stop in and say hi at NeoTech Games home to Star Fleet website. Link not something you MUST do we are a fansite for Galciv and a variety of other games. I am sure you will enjoy your visit.

#3  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 4/2/2005 6:13:21 PM

you must watch your overall PQ bonus... must not go higher than 40% ... this is the one which triggers most anomolous scores....

that is the PQ on your status screen... not individual PQ scores

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