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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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New Pol Party problem
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by Citizen papermuscles - 4/3/2005 3:41:11 PM

i created a new political party using Hawaii's editing thingamabob and my part does not show up on the election results. i see all of the other parties and how many votes they get but i dont see how many i get wat am i doing wrong?

#1  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 4/3/2005 11:29:22 PM

What is the party number? I think GalCiv Writer uses #20 or so, this is far to high, to be on the safe side.
What you have to do is change the number to the next available. If you have no other mod parties it is #8.

And there is a scrollbar that lest you se your votes (at least if you have the latest version of the game) but #20 is quite far down the list.
[Message Edited]

#2  by Citizen papermuscles - 4/7/2005 11:44:55 PM

ah, that makes sense, thanx dude.

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