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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/5/2005 2:47:42 PM

About the technology, I'm always late in the military tech and my battle hammers can't beat a deathknight. And how can you quickly repair a starbase or ship? the starbase seems to take 100 turns to heal and the enemy always attack it.

#1  by Citizen Amaymon - 6/6/2005 2:06:01 AM

Just the normal repair-techs can help here, i believe. Try to push your diplomacy a little, don't upset your neighbours and bribe them out of wars with you until you have Dreadnought tech. Then mass-produce AMMs, and the AI will never worry you again.

#2  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/6/2005 3:40:49 PM

But then the ai will also have the dreadoughts. And thchnology still advances. And what about the other techs? If you only try to get the ships what abou medical techs or trade improvement techs?

#3  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/6/2005 4:47:25 PM

The fact about AAM is that it boost incredibly your military rating, especially if they are orbiting your planet. As your military rating will skyrocketing, the AI won't try to intimidate you.

And AAM do lots of damage. Sure they are one shot weapon, but it can really help you. And I don't think there are ships that have the same attack rating than the AAM.

#4  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/6/2005 4:49:45 PM

And the AAM have an attack of 100 for a cost of 300 when the Excalibur (most powerful ship you can have) has an attack of 80 for a cost of 3000.

#5  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/6/2005 8:12:50 PM

What are AAMs? And I have noticed that no matter how good you are against a medium ai if you start in a bad position you are doomed. Let's say you chose few inhabitable planets and you start with a level 16 planet and thats it. And the enemy starts with a level 18 planet and gets another level 18 planet. Now they are going to have over twice your production so how can you beat them? Once I only had 2 planets and the enemy had 6 because they were all around him.

#6  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/6/2005 10:20:01 PM

I used an antimatter missile with an attack of 192 outside the planet to attack the enemy dreadnought with 18 defence and 80 life. How come it only lost 40 health? shouldn't it be destroyed?
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#7  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/7/2005 2:08:50 AM

What are AAMs?

Anti Matter Missile

if you start in a bad position you are doomed


I used an antimatter missile with an attack of 192 outside the planet to attack the enemy dreadnought with 18 defence and 80 life. How come it only lost 40 health? shouldn't it be destroyed?

I don't know. But even if it costs you 2 AAM to destroy a Dreadnought, it is still a good bargain.

#8  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/7/2005 2:10:50 PM

Doesn't 2 anti matter missiles cost more than a dreadnought?

#9  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/7/2005 2:12:02 PM

And how come the enemy ships have more hitpoints and attack than My ships? The robot race's deathknight had 111 health!

#10  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/7/2005 2:42:47 PM

Doesn't 2 anti matter missiles cost more than a dreadnought?

A little more. But that doesn't really matter since you can have the 2 AMM with 2 planets

And how come the enemy ships have more hitpoints and attack than My ships? The robot race's deathknight had 111 health!

Race bonus + shipyard bonus perharps.

#11  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/7/2005 4:19:39 PM

A little more. But that doesn't really matter since you can have the 2 AMM with 2 planets

I don't understand what that means.

#12  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/8/2005 1:48:42 AM

A little more. But that doesn't really matter since you can have the 2 AMM with 2 planets

I don't understand what that means.

If you have only one planet, the time to build 2 AAM will be the same than building one dreadnough.
But if you have two planets, you will be able to build 2 AMM before finishing building a dreadnough. Time is sometimes important for your survival

#13  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/8/2005 4:30:24 PM

What if the enemy sends over corvettes for me to use up my missiles on?

#14  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/10/2005 2:25:42 AM

What if the enemy sends over corvettes for me to use up my missiles on?

Well, I don't think they will sent corvettes if they can generate dreadnought. but I may be wrong, as I tend to play staying out of wars and winning being allaied will all major races.

#15  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/10/2005 4:09:49 PM

The evil races always win in my games. Why is that? They always have more deathknights and kills the altarians.

#16  by Citizen CrusherX7 - 6/13/2005 5:27:39 AM

That's odd. I don't always play on the same difficulty each time, but I usually find that the Altarians and Torians ally and eventually destroy the evil civs.

BTW, there is no alignment requirement for Death Knights. Once you research Battlship Technology, you can build as many as you want, regardless of alignment. Just how many Death Knights get built is usually dependant on production ability.

If your game doesn't end fairly quickly, eventually Avatar ships get researched, and the reign of the Death Knights ends, as they become obsolete.

As for how long old ships like corvettes can be found with the AI empires is usually determined by how often that empire is at war. Obsolete ships are pretty likely to die in protracted wars, and modern ships get built to replace them.
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#17  by Citizen dsjdsj - 6/13/2005 4:21:18 PM

I play on normal. The evil races usually outbuilds the nice races in the number of deathknights and their ones have like 111 health where the good ones have 90 health. Also, How can the ai have so much influence? I out teched the altarians by 5 techs and they have almost all of the squares in their color.

#18  by Citizen Chipperoo - 6/15/2005 10:51:41 PM

Just researching tech's does not change your influence unless those tech's give you an influence bonus. The biggest change to influence can be achieved by occupying systems, and by having SB's built on the influence anomoly's and maxed out on anomoly improvements.

Another thing that can effect a races ability to have large influence numbers is the initial modifiers and the political party chosen. If you place a "strong" in influence race next to a bunch of comparitevely "weak" influence races, they can soon be "flipped", and this can quickly snowball.

Hope this helps you.

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