AP Crashing - Can't Start!! Help!
by Citizen Flesrouy - 7/23/2005 10:41:35 PM
I've been playing GC for a while and moved over to AP recently. Played ONE game that lasted hours and hours, loved it.. Eventually though, the game crashed on me. No biggie, but now I cannot start the game at all. I start and it crashes immediately. I uninstalled it & GC, rebooted, reinstalled, same problem. I downloaded the SmartException program and it never catches the crash. I can't get anywhere with this thing. Please help!
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Crash details? Does it simply flash a window and exit, or does it actually display an error as it goes down? System specs are also handy for bug quashing.
There's also a very oft chance (I don't have the AP pack, so I'm not sure if it uses the loader or not) that the little start menu proggy got corrupted, and that corrupted file got cached (therefore making the problem external to what GC deals with). There is a work-around: You can try running GC directly by running galciv.exe instead of gcmenu.exe, they're both in c:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations. Again, this is all off plain ol' GC, not the AP expansion.
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