I would like to modify Terror Star more useful. More speeds (like Constructor's speed) but no modules and expensive, like true OS/2 Terror Star as someone mentions.
HOWEVER, I can't edit it because there is no terror star file in data files????
The reason you canot find TerrorStar in the datafiles is that it's not a ship, it's a starbase ability, and sadly those cannot, to my knowledge, be modyfied.
It could be interesting to se what adding more than 100% Terrorstar ability to a SB would do.
It could be interesting to se what adding more than 100% Terrorstar ability to a SB would do.
Nothing that I could identify. It appears to simply determine which image to use. Whether it has a move rate and the star destruction power appears to be determined by the presence of the final Terror Star module, not the Terrorstar ability.