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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
1- Yes
2- No

Buy GC1 or wait GC2?
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by Citizen Scorpiuscat - 8/4/2005 9:32:40 PM

I am interested in GC1, but with GC2 so close and a playable beta, I am wondering if I should bother with GC1.

Is the beta of GC2 very playable? Or is it very limited to what you can do with gameplay?

Plus, would I be missing anything if I just bought the downloadable version vs. the retail box? (ex: maps, etc)

#1  by Veteran Evil Roy - 8/4/2005 10:48:04 PM

hi Scorpiuscat. GC1 is *definitely* worth playing IMHO. you might investigate whether getting a subscription to stardock's (which gives all your moolah to stardock) might deliver you GC1, GC2 and still leave room for a few more goodies??? otherwise, i'm sure there'll be a fairly cheap price for the GC1/AP boxed set at this stage (though stardock won't get much of THAT moolah)

oh and GC2 beta2 iz not a great play at this stage, but the word is that beta3 "will rock" (release August/Sept). i believe you can access the beta by susbcribing to
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#2  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/5/2005 6:52:39 PM

From what I have played of GCII, it will be similar to GCI and AP in that the basic principles of the game will be the same. i.e. Morale, Diplomacy, Research, etc. but the ~style~ of the play is much different. The map itself is different, the set-up of the systems is different, and the menu's etc. will be like a whole new interface. (Not to mention the fact that PQ will be handled in a totally different way.

I would reccommend GCI/AP to anyone. I still play this game, and enjoy it as much now as I did when I was still learning how to play.

#3  by Citizen Scorpiuscat - 8/5/2005 7:43:59 PM

Ok, I decided to get GC1. There was a used copy at my local EB Games for $15.99, but after seeing that Stardock dosent get any of that money, I decided to pay for it online and download it.

I like supporting gamer friendly company's and from what I can tell Stardock is very gamer friendly.

So here goes, I'll check back in after this weekend of playing.
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