hey hbd!!!! Want to join western canadian separatists.
I tried to form an empire of BC only players but have had no sucess. I see you have also left the inactives of the canadian alliance. I will change my empire right away to the Western Canadian Separatists. We can move up a lot in the empire rankings if you join with me. We might even catch the canadian alliance. Hope to here from you soon.
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by Citizen hbd - 8/14/2005 12:18:53 PM
Hey TBAY, saw your jab at the Techn. I guess it depends on your view of fair play. I don't think exploiting a hole in the AI and cranking out a bunch of formula wins is really what the game designers had in mind. With these turn based resource strategy games, when I find out how to beat the game because the programming has exploits, I soon lose interest. This one keeps me playing because I can keep fiddling with it. Plus, I don't like Alliance or Cultural wins. I like plain and simple Military conquest. That said, I do like to turn off Cultural victory conditions, crank up the cultural influence, watch some planets flip, use the population on those planets to go to war! I find that Maso/Medium/Abundant/Tight with high Diplomacy and Economics works well for me. Stave off the first war with the first Alien by turtling (no constructors, minimal defensive, keep building Social and keep researching, keep giving away stuff to the Aliens not at war with you and when they start helping you out, make the big trades for a big chunk of their war fleet and pummel the aggressor into a Peace Treaty. Then keep supplying the weaker at war Alien races with arms and scoop up the resources as they blow away Starbases. Then, GO TO WAR. Gotta love it.)
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I also dont like how easy it is to get the max score with the mods that are allowed. I do not play with mods as a rule. I tried some of the legal mods for 1 game and whipped off a maso large alliance win in about half an hour. This is not my idea of fun as the aliens do not have a chance. I like a challenge. The game is challenging if played the way it was designed. There should be more of a score penalty for modified games. Some of the players will do anything just to get to the top. I like to earn it. Lets catch the inactive canadian alliance. Bye for now.
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