Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
1- Yes
2- No

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by Citizen Justin X - 12/11/2005 12:06:57 PM

im haveing trouble with my cd key, i cant get the game installed, im not sure if im typing it in right or what. there are dashes - and extra letters, i will give you all an example below, im not gonna give out my cd key so ill put X's in for all the #'s and letters. can anyone translate this please!!!!! and tell me how to type it in, what letters and #'s do i need and whats letters and #'s do i not need and do i need an example, just give me an example like the 1 i have given please and thank you for your help!!!!

my CD key is structured like so...


i typed it in just like that, dashes and everything and without, the X's represent #'s and letters, what am i doing wrong???

#1  by Citizen Amaymon - 12/12/2005 10:23:51 AM

If you have purchased the Gold Edition there are some numbers and letters printed wrong on the package, I believe (I don't have that edition, just noticed some problem threads about it). If you have Gold, just search those forums here there shoud be threads about it.

You can also ask here:

The Galactic Core: Link

NeoTech Gaming: Link

Two of the greatest GalCiv related sites around. Here you can meet the Veterans and BigGuns of the game, I'm sure there'll be someone who can help you further and in more detail.

#2  by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 12/13/2005 7:05:23 AM

Yes, the serial for AP has a AP instead of GC in the middle. Your serial is a GC1 serial.

Another common problem is that l gets confused with 1.
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