Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Can not register my Serial Number/ Convert for new Serial number?
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by Citizen Madi I - 5/26/2006 11:17:58 AM

I get the message when i tried to create my player for submission to the metaverse.

When I type in my serial number I get another popup which says I need to enter another serial number for total gaming?

Needless to say I do not have that serial number.

I bought GC with the expansion pack Alterian prophecy. I have been playing the game and have submitted my scores to the meta verse according to what the software says I am doing. However, when I go to the metaverse website, it tells me I have to register in two different places and now its telling me I have to have two damn different Serial numbers for GC.

Well hell I only have one SN for GC. It seems to me that there is a moron somewhere who is responsible for this site who is getting their kicks out of doing things back ass backward and not user friendly.

If your going to ask for a new serial number for example, then it would be useful for the person to know where to find that new password!

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