Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Colony ship / war ship production?
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by Citizen CrusherX7 - 6/4/2005 12:31:43 AM

In the early stages of the game, during the colonizing rush, I seem to have trouble balancing between constructing new colony ships and warships to protect my new worlds. I also have trouble telling when I should start building constructors.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice for what I should be doing?

I seem to do fine in the mid to late game. In the last game I played, large galaxy, normal AI, I was lagging behind everyone at the beginning. Eventually though, I caught up in technology, then in culture, and before long I had turned things around and became the strongest empire. I just need to iron out my early game, and I think that figuring out just what I should be building is key to that.
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#1  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/4/2005 9:40:39 AM

In the early stages of the game, during the colonizing rush, I seem to have trouble balancing between constructing new colony ships and warships to protect my new worlds.

What is the only threat against a new colonized world in the colonizing rush: transports.

Have you seen AI send transports to your undefended colonies during the colony rush? if the answer is "No", then don't worry about building warships.

If you have already enough colony ship and are building the latests on some planets, switch to constructor on all others planets.

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