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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Large # of planets bug back?
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by Citizen Eilarais - 8/8/2005 4:45:54 AM

I reinstalled GC/AP today, and I noticed that the 'spiral galaxy' map dosen't work again. I read that there was a problem before with calculating populations for 1000+ planets, but I know that the map worked fine up until the reinstall. Has anyone else had this happen?

And if there was a new patch that broke it, is the previous patch still available anywhere?

#1  by Citizen Eilarais - 8/8/2005 3:50:53 PM

Okay, scratch that. The real problem is that Stardock isn't actually updating any of my game files. How do I fix this?

#2  by Citizen Eilarais - 8/8/2005 7:53:35 PM

Okay, scratch that. The real problem is that I don't know what I'm doing. It works fine now that I used a clean install. Sorry about that.

#3  by Veteran Evil Roy - 8/8/2005 8:56:09 PM

i was saying contact support, but you've sorted it
[Message Edited]

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