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Star Wars map?
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by Citizen NetBaron - 8/16/2005 7:05:00 PM

Does anyone know if there's a place where I can download a GalCiv map of the Star Wars galaxy? It would be cool to play on a map that has Coruscant, Endor etc. If not, I might do one up myself if no one else has.

#1  by Citizen Amaymon - 8/17/2005 3:00:10 AM

As far as i know there is a names list for all stars in GalCiv somewhere in the GalCiv directories. I think there you can change the star names for all your GalCiv games (but make a backup of the list first...).

#2  by Diplomat Arturus Magi - 8/28/2005 2:06:26 AM

The stars on a map are always determined at random, except for Sol.

The closest you can get is to replace the stars.lst file with one using Star Wars system, but this brings up a second problem: there aren't enough systems in the Star Wars universe to fill a gigantic galaxy. Even in the Extended Universe, there are only about 75 canonnical star systems.

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