Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Bugs in AP 1.52
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by Citizen Walldorf2000 - 12/13/2006 12:48:41 PM


I want to start a bug collection of all known bugs which still exist in the last version.

I start with my two personal favorites of the most hated bugs:

1) The "month left" calculation is wrong for technologies. The program uses the free research points of the past month instead of the current month.

2) Reloading the game disables the "auto survey" capabilities for most of the anomalies and very often makes them disappear.

There are some more:
3) The game crashes when you try to build a new ship on a planet where the orbit is full. This happens either when you have a long star name or a translated version of the text which is longer than the original.

4) The technology win does not work when you use a translation and the last tech has another name than "Final Frontier" (this bug was reported from Dragonling! in this thread Link )

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