Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

How do I get started?
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by Citizen Ogre1971 - 11/23/2007 5:08:01 PM

I have had this game for a few months. Finally had time to try to play. I can't find any hints on what to do. Besides randomly explore. What are the first things I should try to do? I'm lost and confused!

#1  by Citizen Graviton - 11/24/2007 9:38:27 AM

Ok, the first part of a game is always the colonization phase. Get as many Planets as you can, also don't forget that some systems have more then one habitable planet. Try not to take colonies with a PQ rating below 15.
To do that you have to build Colonyships. You could buy them at the beginning but don't let your funds go to far down. And start building manifacturing biuldings on your planets.
Then in the first round go to the screen where you can adjust taxes. Set the Tax slider so that you have 100% morale (This means you get a bonus to population growth, in later game you don't need to keep it that high). Also try to set your production slider (the one below the tax slider) to 100% (This means you use your complete prod. capacity). But see to it that your funds do not go below 0. Adjust your milt. Prod (ships), social prod. (buildings) and reasearch slider. I would put a little more into reasearch (for exp 39%). Also start to research. Take cheap techs that give you boni at the beginning. Oh and of course use your survey ship to get the anomalies.
Best you start at a low difficulty and learn the mechanics. You can also find help and examples in the Encyclopedia section on this site.
And if you like GC you should also know that there is a expansion Altarian Prophecy and of course there is a sequel GC II Link Soon the 2. Expansion for GCII will be released.

You can get these games at a good price from which belongs to stardock.

Hope this helps you.
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