Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Bug Reports
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by Senator CariElf - 12/14/2004 3:16:58 PM

Please always check Stardock Central (SDC) to see if you have the latest version before reporting bugs as we may have already fixed the bug you're about to report.

If you have a save game that can reproduce the bug, chances are good that I will want it. 

If you are getting constant crashes please read the thread entitled Sound Problems/Frequent crashes.  If nothing there helps, please install SmartException from  There are instructions there to help. Then the next time that Gal Civ crashes, send GalCiv.exe.cra to me along with your debug.err file and tell me what was happening when the crash ocurred.

If you e-mail me, please describe your problem in the e-mail so that I know what I'm supposed to be looking for.  Do not erase quoted text from any replies that you make as it saves me time having to hunt through my mail folders looking for your previous messages. 

If you are using mods that replace or add graphic files, I will need those files if you need me to look at a save game, so either include them in a zip or give me a link to where I can get them.


[Message Edited]

#1  by Citizen Professor Xavier - 12/14/2004 8:38:44 PM

I noticed a couple of things that, while not game crashing bugs, are errors (I think):

1. Anywhere a text window describes a stat with a % it adds a %. For example 20% will read 20%%. Not sure if this is intentional but it seems redundant.

2. If Animate Ship Data Win is set to "on" ships in the Ship Data Win are still not animated. Would be cool to see them be animated (I like the animated planets and aliens a lot).

Hope this helps! If not please excuse the "Professor".

#2  by Citizen Professor Xavier - 12/15/2004 7:29:47 PM

Here are some more of what could be glitches:

1. When your first freightor is destroyed and you get the mini-movie there is no audio.

2. When you click on a star base and get the Ship Data Window it doesn't display any image for the star base, it just displays stars.

3. Sometimes, if the name of the Empire is too long, in some of the windows it will block out some of the information that is displayed below it. The info cannot be accessed as the Empire name goes over one line...

#3  by Citizen Professor Xavier - 12/15/2004 7:36:52 PM

I noticed some of the planets don't spin. Is this because the PQ isn't high enough?

#4  by Senator CariElf - 12/16/2004 5:24:02 PM

1. Anywhere a text window describes a stat with a % it adds a %. For example 20% will read 20%%. Not sure if this is intentional but it seems redundant.
Hmm...are you running the most recent version of Gal Civ? I thought that I'd fixed all of those.

2. If Animate Ship Data Win is set to "on" ships in the Ship Data Win are still not animated. Would be cool to see them be animated (I like the animated planets and aliens a lot).

2) By Animate Ship Data Win, it means that it does the little open/close animation when you switch from the main game screen to one of the other screens like the research screen.

1. When your first freightor is destroyed and you get the mini-movie there is no audio.

There are two movies, freighterblown.bik and freighterblownout.bik in your movies directory. Switch the names and you'll get the sound.

I noticed some of the planets don't spin. Is this because the PQ isn't high enough?

On the Planet Data screen? I don't think that we made .bik files for all the movies because we were trying to keep the file size down.  The only other thing I can think of would be if you didn't have the multimedia pack installed.

#5  by Citizen Professor Xavier - 12/16/2004 6:13:03 PM

I bought Gal Civ D. E. and updated it with Stardock Central (just checked it again for new updates; were none). In the initial selection screens it still shows the %% when you click on the types of government (and I've seen it elsewhere in the game during play I'm pretty sure). Also, I have been playing the Gal Civ not Gal Civ A. P.

I think the planets weren't spinning because the PQ wasn't high enough, when you get it up to 15 (I think it is) they start spinning. That's cool...

Not sure about this open/close animation, I'll have to keep an eye out for that...

And I'll try switching the name of those files.


#6  by Citizen Martin the Dane - 12/18/2004 10:47:49 AM

There are a few bugs that I find anoying:

1: The cursor does not necesarriliy point to what's under it. One place is the Diplomatic screen. Here when trading items from a list where some items occupy more than one line, the highlighted item is one or more places lower in the list sompared to the cursor. Another place are the sliders on the domestic screen, here scroling with your mouse wheen takes some practise as the slider scroled has little to do with the placement of the cursor.

2: The 1=0 bug, on time to complete: example if the current project on a planet needs 10 points to complete and the planet produces 10 points, the time to completion will be listed as 1 but the it will be completed this turn, so the number should be 0.

3: The research time to completion calculation. As I understand this bug has been put in the "not worth fixing" category. Is this correct?


                       Posted via Stardock Central
#7  by Citizen HercMighty - 12/18/2004 7:27:03 PM

When I select my survey ship and click on the "I" for information, none of the "sentry, Defend, Auto Survey, etc..." can be selected. I have not had much time to mess with the game so I do not know if this is true for all ships. I downloaded the latest version on AP and wanted to check out the new campaign.

#8  by Citizen Aalaar - 12/19/2004 1:56:26 AM

In 1.52a[rc].003 I as able to use the scroll wheel in the fleet, planet, etc windows without the cursor being on the scroll bar. In 1.52b.012 I can only scroll if the cursor is on the scroll bar. Maybe this is a feature not a bug, but if it was a removed feature it'll be sorely missed.

Related to scrolling, when in the diplomacy screen I cannot enter my own numbers, I must scroll. This makes things a bit harder.

During the process of updating from 1.52a[rc].003 to 1.52b.012 using Stardock I noticed the version in the restore archives window does not always match what the dialog box says the archived version is.

#9  by Citizen Aalaar - 12/19/2004 2:32:13 AM

I forgot to mention, you can rename AI ships.

#10  by Citizen AngleWyrm - 12/19/2004 3:39:25 AM

The ship command buttons don't seem to work for me.

I can type the appropriate letter to activate things like Auto-Attack, Auto-Survey, etc, but pressing on the button panel doesn't seem to do anything.


#11  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 12/19/2004 8:02:54 AM

I forgot to mention, you can rename AI ships

I think that this is an intended behavior. It helps you too keep track of ships or starbase when trying to purchase them on the diplomacy screen.
[Message Edited]

#12  by Citizen elmo3 - 12/19/2004 8:18:19 PM

Playing the latest version of AP and the game crashed back to the desktop. I was going through the planet list when it happened. No idea if I can replicate it or not yet.

#13  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 12/20/2004 9:04:17 AM

Bug reported earlier of not being ab lr to select ship action with the mouse has been cofirmed.. I can't do it eitrher although i can get the ship to auto servey by pressing the A key

mouse wheel (scroll wheel) no longer scrolls lists.. eg: planets , techs, etc

these are the only 2 i noticed during my last game

the rest of the game apeared to be fine
J.T.Qwerk out

#14  by Senator CariElf - 12/20/2004 10:41:02 AM

Darnit, just reproduced the problem with the ship info window, and the scrolling problem is probably related.  I compiled AP with the version of Pear that Political Machine used, so maybe something in there is causing it.  I have the old version backed up so I'll try that later today if I can either get remote desktop to work or get a ride there, but I'm currently stranded at home due to my car not starting.

#15  by Citizen HercMighty - 12/20/2004 8:24:00 PM

Saw update for AP and downloaded it. I can now select the "I" button and all the options will highlight but there is still a problem with "Sentry, Guard, Auto Survey." Clicking on "Sentry" or "Guard" will set it but clicking on it again or clicking on the other option only sets it to another ship. Clicking on "Auto Survey" seems to clear it, but just clicking on "Auto Survey" and then done shows no indication on map that the choice is set.

More testing is probably still needed but it for sure is not totally fixed as of yet.

#16  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 12/21/2004 11:23:05 AM

thanks Cari the last update did fix all the mouse wheel and ship commands through the info panel here...

Also Ive noticed a reasonable speed increase in the game... is this correct.. has anyone else noticed it.. or is it my imagination..

Still extreamly slow to bring up the oprions meny unsil late in the game.. if i'm using mods... I know you stated that this was due to it having to cal;culate the Tech % for Tech Victory.. But i've got Tech Victory turned off.. all i have turned on is alliance victory turned on... If it is calculating the tech% for tech Victoey then surely it shouldn't have to unluess you have tech Victory turned on.. Just a suggestion...

apart from that i can't see any problems.. in the game now..

I play AP with the STTCmodv0.91 installed

#17  by Citizen Horrido - 12/23/2004 8:45:11 AM

I just downloaded AP (latest version 1.52 dated Dec 20th) and I am having a number of problems. First and most annoying is that in any regular (non campaign) game the game disappears if I hit the menu button (middle-top of the map screen), or if I hit the Esc shortcut key for the menu. I hit either of those and "poof" the game is gone and I'm staring at the windows desktop. The campaign games work fine.

Also the AP loader, the separate load program that you pick whether you want to play a campaign game, edit a map, etc, or just "play game", or exit .....does not exit. It stays on the screen even after I hit exit. Clicking "close" on the bottom windows taskbar does not close it either. I end up having to Cntrl-Alt-Del and "End Task" to get it to close.

I uninstalled and reloaded the program through Stardock and the problems remain. Is this a bug in the latest release? ....if so, is these somewhere I can download a previous version till 1.52 is fixed?

       Posted via Stardock Central
#18  by Citizen HercMighty - 12/23/2004 10:26:01 PM

Saw update for AP and downloaded it. I can now select the "I" button and all the options will highlight but there is still a problem with "Sentry, Guard, Auto Survey." Clicking on "Sentry" or "Guard" will set it but clicking on it again or clicking on the other option only sets it to another ship. Clicking on "Auto Survey" seems to clear it, but just clicking on "Auto Survey" and then done shows no indication on map that the choice is set.

I am seeing this in GC to, I have the latest Video drivers etc... Any ideas CariElf?

#19  by Citizen Necroform - 12/24/2004 9:54:34 AM

Id just like to say that Im having the same exact problems Horrido is having and I think it is a problem with the newer version because when i uninstall the game and install the patch that is downloadable from this website (galactic civilizations 1.2) the game works fine. However when i install the rest of the patches from stardock it crashes to the desktop when i click on the menu button in certain custom rule games such as Good and Evil *EVERY* time.

This is what happens when i click on the menu button.
here is my smart exception log

Debug Message: ******* Starting Game Shell *******
Debug Message: Going Fullscreen
Debug Message: Preparing to change display settings.
Debug Message: RGB in format 5:6:5, Masks reported as f800:7e0:1f
Debug Message: Now Fullscreen
Debug Message: Shell initialization complete
Debug Message: ***** Initializing Game *****
Debug Message: Timer Frequency is 0 1234dc
Debug Message: LoadAllModelsInDirectory: No files matching mask Setup\*.mdl.
Debug Message: LoadAllModelsInDirectory: No files matching mask C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Setup\*.mdl.
Debug Message: LoadAllModelsInDirectory: No files matching mask Mods\Setup\*.mdl.
Debug Message: Version 1.520000
*DEBUG ERROR: *** No string table files in directory: C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\English.str ***
*DEBUG ERROR: *** No string table files in directory: Mods\Data\English.str ***
Debug Message: Added fonts: VerdanaWhite11 VerdanaWhite12B VerdanaYellow11 VerdanaLtBlue11 VerdanaGreen11
Debug Message: Added fonts: VerdanaRed11 VerdanaRed12 VerdanaYellow12 VerdanaOrange12 VerdanaLtBlue12
Debug Message: Added fonts: VerdanaDkBlue12 VerdanaLtBlue12B Verdana00Race11 Verdana01Race11 Verdana02Race11
Debug Message: Added fonts: Verdana03Race11 Verdana04Race11 Verdana05Race11 Verdana00Race12B Verdana01Race12B
Debug Message: Added fonts: Verdana02Race12B Verdana03Race12B Verdana04Race12B Verdana05Race12B VerdanaOrange12B
Debug Message: Added fonts: font2 font1 Comic10 Comic12 Comic12B
Debug Message: Added fonts: Comic14 Comic14B Comic16 Comic16B Comic18
Debug Message: Added fonts: Comic18B Celtic14 Celtic12 Celtic10 Basker14
Debug Message: Added fonts: Basker16 BabylonBlue11B BabylonBlue11 BabylonBlue10B ArialGreenB10
Debug Message: Added fonts: ArialYellowB12 ArialLtBlueB12 ArialDkBlueB12 ArialGreenB12 ArialRedB12
Debug Message: Added fonts: ArialWhite12B ArialWhite14 ArialWhite16 ArialOrange12B ArialLtBlue12B
Debug Message: Added fonts: ArialLtBlue14 ArialGreen14 ArialRed14 ArialYellow14 ArialGreen16
Debug Message: Added fonts: ArialYellow16 Arial02Race16 Arial13B Arial16B2 Arial10
Debug Message: Added fonts: Arial12 Arial12B Arial14 Arial14B Arial16
Debug Message: Added fonts: Arial16B Arial18 Arial18B GaraWGold11B GaraBW14B
Debug Message: Added fonts: GaraW11B
Debug Message: Added fonts: Verdana07Race11 Verdana06Race11 Verdana07Race12B Verdana06Race12B
Debug Message: No Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Gfx\Message_RobotNeutral.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Setup\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Setup\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\Message_RobotNeutral.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Setup\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Setup\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\PolPartyLogos\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\Message_RobotNeutral.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: Initializing sound card.
Debug Message: No Gfx\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Movies\Imps\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Setup\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\sfx\*.wav files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Music\*.mp3 files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Event Music\*.mp3 files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Movies\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Movies\Imps\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Setup\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Movies\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Movies\Imps\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Setup\*.bik files in current directory.
Debug Message: No sfx\*.wav files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Music\*.mp3 files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\sfx\*.wav files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Music\*.mp3 files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Event Music\*.mp3 files in current directory.
Debug Message: Game Initialization completed.
Debug Message: Creating cutscene window.
Debug Message: Creating soundtrack handler.
Debug Message: Creating movie handler.
Debug Message: Initialize Game Options.
Debug Message: Create setup screens.
*DEBUG ERROR: *** No string table files in directory: Data\ToolTips.str ***
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\gridlines.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\gridlines.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\Space1.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\Space1.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\gridlines.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\gridlines.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\CustomMiniMap.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\CustomMiniMap.pcx
Debug Message: Creating player setup screen.
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\gridlines.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\gridlines.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\Space1.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\Space1.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\gridlines.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\gridlines.pcx
Debug Message: Unable to open file Gfx\CustomMiniMap.pcx
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\diskdata.cpp at line 119.
Debug Message: Unable to open Bitmap file: Gfx\CustomMiniMap.pcx
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.PARTY
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.PARTY
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.PARTY
Debug Message: Creating race setup screen.
*DEBUG ERROR: *** Unable to locate font ArialLtBlue12, FTDataManager::FindFont ***
Debug Message: Initialize Tilemaps
Debug Message: Set mouse.
Debug Message: Set update timer.
Debug Message: Begin playing intro movie.
Debug Message: Preparing to change display settings.
Debug Message: RGB in format 5:6:5, Masks reported as f800:7e0:1f
Debug Message: Preparing to change display settings.
Debug Message: RGB in format 5:6:5, Masks reported as f800:7e0:1f
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\model2d.cpp at line 2400.
Debug Message: Animation Small has 17 frames of animation, which does not divide evenly into 32 facings.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Gfx\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Gfx\TacticImages\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: Scanning sprites.
Debug Message: Scanning Models.
Debug Message: Scanning bitmaps.
Debug Message: No Gfx\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Gfx\TacticImages\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Gfx\TacticImages\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: LoadAllModelsInDirectory: No files matching mask C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\*.mdl.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\TacticImages\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Gfx\TacticImages\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: LoadAllModelsInDirectory: No files matching mask Mods\Gfx\*.mdl.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\TacticImages\*.pcx files in current directory.
Debug Message: No Mods\Gfx\TacticImages\*.tga files in current directory.
Debug Message: Initializing Galaxy.
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.TECH
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.IMP
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.ANOMALY
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.EVENT
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\UP_Issues\*.UPISSUE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\*.RESOURCE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Data\InvasionTactics\*.INVTACTIC
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.TECH
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.SHIP
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.IMP
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.ANOMALY
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.EVENT
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\UP_Issues\*.UPISSUE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.RESOURCE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\InvasionTactics\*.INVTACTIC
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.TECH
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.SHIP
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.IMP
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.ANOMALY
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.EVENT
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\UP_Issues\*.UPISSUE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.RESOURCE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\InvasionTactics\*.INVTACTIC
Debug Message: No data definition files at path C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Galactic Civilizations\Mods\Data\*.SBMODULE
Debug Message: No data definition files at path Mods\Data\*.SBMODULE
Debug Message: Begin creating other screens.
Debug Message: MWinEditFields::Create - Unable to find sprite sizing graphic for InfluVoteTitle
Debug Message: MemMan: Unable to find pointer in GetBlockInfo. Memory system: DataMan
ASSERT ERROR in file \Projects\Pear\Source\memman.cpp at line 581.
Debug Message: MWinEditFields::Create - Unable to find sprite sizing graphic for EconomyTitle
Debug Message: MWinEditFields::Create - Unable to find sprite sizing graphic for MilitaryTitle
Debug Message: MWinEditFields::Create - Unable to find sprite sizing graphic for TradeRouteBtn
Debug Message: Creating Galaxy
Debug Message: Set galaxy size.
Debug Message: Reading Star Names
Debug Message: Drengin Empire: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Altarian Republic: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Arcean Empire: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Torian Confederation: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Yor Collective: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Dominion of Korx: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Drath Legion: Intellence -> 50
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Total Ships: 16 & 0 are dead
Debug Message: Altarian Republic (2): Researching: Communication Theory
Debug Message: AIAltarian: Set Colony Social
Debug Message: Arcean Empire (3): Researching: Defense Theory
Debug Message: Yor Collective (5): Researching: Communication Theory
Debug Message: Dominion of Korx (6): Researching: Communication Theory
Debug Message: Drath Legion (7): Researching: Communication Theory
Debug Message: Alexians (8): Researching: Communication Theory
Debug Message: Carinoids (9): Researching: Defense Theory
Debug Message: Space Shark (17): Researching: Defense Theory
Debug Message: Pirates! (18): Researching: Defense Theory

[Message Edited]
[Message Edited]

#20  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 12/24/2004 7:54:24 PM

You should run smartexception to give more precise information. It is a free utility downloadable with Stardock Central

#21  by Citizen HercMighty - 12/24/2004 8:01:25 PM

I tried running smartexception and got no log

#22  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 12/25/2004 5:28:20 AM

I tried running smartexception and got no log

Smartexception should run before runing Galciv. And if it looks like there isn't any log, there is one. Try finding a *.cra file. I thinkt it is something like galciv.exe.cra at the root directory of the drive where Galciv is installed.

#23  by Veteran mindlar - 12/25/2004 11:20:58 AM

I've turned off all the sound in my game (i.e. no music and no sound effects), however the diplomacy screen has sound.

#24  by Citizen Bill Ko - 12/25/2004 10:35:09 PM

I've noticed that if you try to auto-update to 1.52.013, it fails to download the replacement files, so every time you log back into SDC, it asks if you want to upgrade to 1.52.013. Fortunately, if you actually go to the link, it works correctly. For all of you with problems after upgrading, you might want to go to the actual link and download it from there.


                         Posted via Stardock Central
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